
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Its official!

Its official!

I'm an American citizen after going through my oath ceremony. They swore in 1201 people from 109 countries at the Oakland Paramount theater (awesome building!). Lining up before going inside was chaotic to say the least. 

Can you find me? Not many Canadians came out for this. 

View from the audience looking up into the balcony.

The ceremony took much longer than I thought it would (made even longer by portions repeated in multiple languages) and I think I said at least 4 oaths...hence the naming it the Oath ceremony. But we did get a video message from the president- I love him!

I want to meet him in person...but I guess this'll do for now. That and the 'personal' message I got in my naturalization packet. 

The highlight would be the playing of 'God Bless the USA' (if you haven't seen the orig

music video

 I highly recommend it- its hilariously bad)...now I'll admit that I kind of love this song as its a great song to sing while drinking but I was pretty surprised they played it (complete with a majestic slideshow) since it was a little over the top after such a solemn ceremony...the guy next to me burst out laughing when it started blasting out of the speakers.

The slideshow was classic- I mean to get (in one image): majestic landscape, children running freely in a field AND a flag...if an eagle had been in it as well it would have been perfect.

#1: Shotgun a Beer

#1: Shotgun a Beer

San Francisco