
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Staying patriotic during the holidays...

Staying patriotic during the holidays...

This year will be the first year my fam and I will be celebrating the holidays as Americanadians. Its going to be a tough adjustment..no moose for Thanksgiving, no Canadian goose for Christmas, no building igloos, no opening presents by candlelight...juuuust kidding! I have been asked if Canadians do any of that and as far as I know (being from Vancouver) that would be a big 'negative!!'...maybe if you're waaaaay up north. Anyways, my Aunt Judy has been on the lookout to help our family stay 'American' during the holidays. She heard that Americans love Ugly Sweater parties (awesome recon on her part) but since she really wants us to be as authentically American as possible she went one step further and found these bad boys: 

Nauseating Holiday Pants

 by Betabrand.

The description is the best:

Get ready, gentlemen: The season of Christmas-sweater parties is about to begin. And while Betabrand applauds the notion of supremely hideous sweaters, we think it’s only appropriate to delight your fellow partygoers with a truly awful ensemble. Hence, our limited-edition Nausea Pants!

Oh no, silly Mrs. Claus used rotten cream in her eggnog, and now everyone at the North Pole is as sick as can be! Santa’s puking presents! Rudolph’s retching candy canes! The floor of Santa’s workshop is a steaming fetid mess!

Lucky for you, we were able to recreate this scene with a pair of lovingly illustrated pants. We hope you’ll agree that these are some of the most ho-ho-horrendous Christmas pants you’ve ever seen.

If you haven't heard of


 yet then you are in for a treat...they sell awesomely ridiculous items which have some legit fashion inventions like 

horizontal corduroy aka Cordarounds

 (aerodynamic! swish-free!). Obviously I was immediately drawn to their

USA pants

 (especially with such a sassy photo). 

You may be asking yourself what makes these American pants so special? Check out the description: 

Betabrand is proud to offer the world’s most preposterously patriotic pants. With star-spangled legs and striped pockets, they’re Old Glory in trouser form. Consider their unrivaled qualifications:

  • Lovingly hand-stitched by the spectral fingers of Betsy Ross’ ghost.
  • Tested for Nazi- and Commie-fighting durability by Captain America.
  • Design endorsed by Swiftwing, King of All Bald Eagles.
  • Approved for Knievel-esque jumps over 4th of July BBQs.
  • Each pair exposed to 1,000 continuous hours of Lee Greenwood’s Greatest Hits.
  • Makes flatulence smell like mom’s apple pie.
  • Must be worn at half mast on Memorial Day
  • Cannot legally be worn until owner recites the Apollo Creed.

Even Abe loves them and you can't get more American than that!!

Not only is this company awesome, they're also based out of SF- love it! Now that I've wasted a good solid hour reading their clothing descriptions its time for bed...gotta rest up for some serious Thanksgiving feasting that will be happening in a few days.  

Last minute Thanksgiving ideas

Last minute Thanksgiving ideas

Patriotic from head to toe...

Patriotic from head to toe...