
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

#41 Host a Super Bowl party

#41 Host a Super Bowl party

I updated

the list

to include some more American things to do...one of which was host a Super Bowl party! I hate Comcast so in an act of definance, the cable was cancelled a few years ago...because you know loosing my business is really going to make an impact on them. FYI life without cable TV has been pretty awesome(thanks to Hulu and Netflix). So to solve the lack of cable problem,  we ended up borrowing an antenna from 


 so that we could actually watch the game/commercials.

TV!! In our apartment!! Good start to any Super Bowl party

American napkins obvi

Lindsey and I picked up some delish food at Whole Foods for the party: veggies and dip, BBQ chicken wings and chicken BBQ pizza...easiest party food prep ever since everything was pre-made and we just had to chop the veggies. Lindsey also got her baking on last night so we had some chocolate chip cookies for the group. 

Now something about the awesome group of friends that came over: we all love to eat and we never EVER go hungry...we essentially always seem to have enough food to feed at least double the amount of people than are actually there. And excess food = leftovers!! Gotta love it when you know you won't really have to cook much that week. Bonnie, Rebecca and Nikole did not disappoint...check out the food table...

The hosts - like my giant pimp cup?

The food table included (not all shown if you can believe it):

Veggies and dip x2

Chips x2 and pretzels

The best cheesy artichoke dip ever

BBQ chicken wings

BBQ chicken pizza

Ginger cookies, chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip pretzel cookies (mmm salty and sweet!)

Cookie dough dip- chocolate chip, snickerdoodle and peanut butter

Apples and graham crackers for dipping in cookie dough dip

Hershey's kisses

Homemade peppermint ice cream from Bonnie

Classy pose in front of all the food

...umm yea it was a lot...a lot of awesomeness! But seriously, when we finished the evening it hurt to breathe because I ate too much. Luckily I stuck to water in my pimp cup instead of beer/wine or I think I would be moaning in pain right now. I have no self control when faced with such delectable food. I was so busy eating and talking that I for the most part ignored the boys when they very diligently announced 'Commercials!' to us non-football watchers...any commercials I should be YouTube-ing?

Food table crew digging in

The boys actually watching the game

First Super Bowl party was a success! Checking another item off the list is the great way to finish off the weekend.

#25 Tour the Budweiser factory

#25 Tour the Budweiser factory

SF SPCA visit to finish up #33

SF SPCA visit to finish up #33