
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Stagecoach Part 2

Stagecoach Part 2

So I was planning on posting part 2 of Stagecoach right away (I was all over getting 

part 1

posted and even found time to discuss


) but I got distracted by work and then Bay to Breakers happened and then my trip to Hawaii happened...yup HAWAII!! (Can you tell I am pretty excited about it?). So yes quickly finishing up Stagecoach since there was much awesomeness that I didn't cover yet...and then I will Hawaii recap since it was amazing and I want to go there all the time.

Ok, I left off at the end of the concert Saturday night...and we came right back to the RV to kick off the partying. First step was to gear up and by gear up I mean boots on and beer in (my pocket).

 Then we headed out to check out the RV parties and the dance floor. We did lots of dancin' and singin' and drinkin' <-- pretty much the best combo ever.

 We even borrowed a beer hat (which Lauren is modeling for us here). These were crazy popular...every other guy had one...ok seriously just made me realize THIS is what I will be buying my  brother for his birthday (in addition to beer pong board shorts- it'll be a classy bday present).

 After a fabulous night- that ended at 4 am (?!? Whaaaat?? I seriously thought it was 1am at the most)- we were up by 8:30 to mimosa then flip cup. It was like I was back in college...having way too much fun to have a hangover (thankfully). Post-mimosas and pre-flip cup we practiced our 'class portrait poses' (see Bus killing it below) and braided hair (uber girl weekend). Then we took on our neighboors for a girls against guys flip cup tourney...and we WON!!!! Good job ladies good job.

 After the girls photo of the day, I was convinced to play one last game before the concert. Ever heard of a drinking game called Civil War? Well I hadn't but it is awesome. Each person gets four cups that you put in a diamond in front of you (we had teams of three at either end) and everyone gets a ping pong ball. You rapid fire shoot at the other teams cups (so lots of running for balls gone awry <-- good band name) until someone gets a ball in your cup- at that point you can't shoot until the beer is gone. Perfect game for Stagecoach pre-party.

Once we were all Civil War-ed out, we got our hats and shades on and headed to the concert. We managed to smuggle in some booze (way to play it cool H-dawg) and had a jack and coke toast to the weekend. Then it was time for Brad Paisley (and some other people but whatevs...he was the best). Amazing show! He even came into the crowd so the people in the back could see him better. It was the perfect end to the weekend.

I managed to turn my camera onto some video mode while I was trying to take pictures so here is a weirdly choppy video of the last day but it gives you a good idea of what the crowd was like...my favorite part would be Lys and Stacey dancing at the end. 

Cannot wait to go next year! Even my country music hating brother wants to go after hearing how Luke Bryan noted the 10 girls to 1 guy ratio...smart kid my little brother ;-)

#26 Join a kickball team

#26 Join a kickball team

Bay to Breakers 2012

Bay to Breakers 2012