
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

#42 Celebrate the 4th of July

#42 Celebrate the 4th of July

...eh not so much. I ended up being sick and therefore a miserable disaster all day on the 4th so I definitely need a re-do next year. Still I headed out to the beach to celebrate with the fam for a bit. I felt better after eating three cupcakes...three delicious cupcakes baked by my awesome not-so-little-anymore cousin...I swear she'll be taller than me soon! 

 Since it wasn't the sunniest day, the girls alternated between huddling around the fire chatting and playing bocce ball. The boys played a little football and even flew some kites.

It was awesome to get to see family but I was bummed I was under the weather- next year I'll have to go big to make up for it!

Btw- I came across this

'Murican burger

on a food blog: ground bacon, thick cut bacon, egg, bacon island dressing and bacon cheddar cheese. Hmm looks like they forgot to add bacon to the bun.

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

#20 Go to Vegas

#20 Go to Vegas